The majority of this week has been spent working on the PCBs for the Chessboard Project, with Monday mostly spent attempting to wire a one sided version of the PCB, before realizing I could make it two sided since we're getting it produced by an external company.

I'm quite proud of the outcome of the main board type that'll be seen through the whole design. We opted to use an 8 Position Switchboard to solve the issue of each board only needing 1 Transistor Input. We figured that we can just choose which input goes in by picking one of the 8 switches to be turned on at any given time.
After that, I whipped up a small board with the microcontroller and other one use pieces which I have deemed as the 'admin board' since it handles all the functions of the other 8 boards.

The admin board also came out well, except this version is outdated, as the ATMega328 is being replaced with a different board due to its absolute stubbornness against actually functioning, so we're making a pivot to a different microcontroller that actually feels like working.

All of the circuit boards just barely fit under the chessboard though, so I'm considering expanding the chessboard. Hopefully next week I'll be able to send off the boards for creation.