I swear, the title isn't nonsense, just let me explain.
This week I found myself quite dejected. I'd resoldered all I could think of in an attempt to fix the broken boards, and nothing seemed to be working. It was at this point that I decided it was worth it to just take a short break. So, I'm taking a brief hiatus from the chessboard itself, and working on an additional module I've wanted to make for a good while.
That's right, I'm making a chess clock! Which now brings us to the title of this blogpost, LUNAFISH. I needed two distinct 4 Letter words for testing the capabilities of the 7 Segment Displays I was using, and I ended up settling on Luna and Fish. The displays ended up working, so now I've got one part functional.
I also managed to get the keypad functioning, but nearly went insane trying to figure out the pinout on my own, so I ended up having to look it up. Now I have some questions for the designers at Adafruit, mostly regarding their capability to make sound decisions.